Body Wise Techniques
Technique 1
Conscious breathing is the easiest and fastest way to bring your total awareness into the body. Taking deep conscious in-breaths through the nose and exhaling consciously and slowly through the mouth requires you to be present in the body. Do this until you have an easy rhythm and an awareness of your body as a whole organism. Once in this rhythm, it would be a good time to have a moment of appreciation for the amazing habitat you call your body.
Technique 2
This technique is simple and can be done anywhere and anytime you catch yourself not being present in your own life.
Look at different objects in your environment; as you focus on an object, say the name of it aloud and tap your forehead gently two or three times. Do this with four or more objects until you get the sense of being truly present. For example, look at a clock, say ‘clock’ and tap your forehead; look at a tree, say ‘tree’ and tap your forehead.
Technique 3 Cross-Crawl
This technique is a bit more complicated, but extremely useful. Sometimes our brain doesn’t communicate with the rest of us, causing crossed signals; information isn’t received and, therefore, doesn’t get processed. At times, this miscommunication can encourage leaving the physical body. At other times, it may be a clear indication that one is not spending enough time in the body. Doing this exercise will reestablish communication patterns in the brain, making it easier to stay in the body and to recognize when we are not present. Be aware that if this exercise is difficult or tricky for you, lines of communication are not functioning harmoniously.
NOTE: There are different directions for right-handed and left-handed persons. If possible, have someone watch you do this exercise the first time you try it, to make certain you always use the opposite foot and opposite arm, with your head facing in the correct direction. (For many, extending the arm and foot on the same side will seem correct and feel comfortable. However, this is not correct.) (See directions below.)
NOTE: There are different directions for right-handed and left-handed persons. If possible, have someone watch you do this exercise the first time you try it, to make certain you always use the opposite foot and opposite arm, with your head facing in the correct direction. (For many, extending the arm and foot on the same side will seem correct and feel comfortable. However, this is not correct.) (See directions below.)
For Right-Handed Person
right arm – left foot – head to right
left arm – right foot – head straight ahead
15 times for each side, each direction (forward, side, backward).For example, for the forward direction, count 1 for right arm forward and 1 for left arm forward; count 2 for right arm forward and 2 for left arm forward, etc., until you reach 15.
IMPORTANT: If you make a mistake, start that direction over again at Count 1. No need to repeat the entire exercise, just from the direction you erred in (forward, side or backward).
Begin from Starting Position (facing forward with arms by your side and feet together)
Forward: right arm forward – head to right – left foot forward – back to starting position; left arm forward – head straight ahead – right foot forward – back to starting position. (Repeat 15 times each side.)
Side: right arm out to side – head to right – left foot out to side – back to starting position; left arm out to side – head straight ahead – right foot out to side – back to starting position. (Repeat 15 times each side.)
Backward: right arm back – head to right – left foot back – back to starting position; left arm back – head straight ahead – right foot back – back to starting position. (Repeat 15 times each side.)
For Left-Handed Person
left arm – right foot – head to left
right arm – left foot – head straight ahead
15 times for each side, each direction (forward, side, backward). For example, from starting position in the forward direction, count 1 for left arm forward and 1 for right arm forward; count 2 for left arm forward and 2 for right arm forward, etc., until you reach 15.
IMPORTANT: If you make a mistake, start that direction over again at Count 1. No need to repeat the entire exercise, just from the direction you erred in ( forward, side or backward).
Begin from Starting Position (facing forward with arms by your side and feet together)
Forward: left arm forward – head to left – right foot forward – back to starting position; right arm forward – head straight ahead – left foot forward – back to starting position. (Repeat 15 times each side.)
Side: left arm out to side – head to left – right foot out to side – back to starting position; right arm out to side – head straight ahead – left foot out to side – back to starting position. (Repeat 15 times each side.)
Backward: left arm back – head to left – right foot back – back to starting position; right arm back – head straight ahead – left foot back – back to starting position. (Repeat 15 times each side.)
Breathing Techniques
The Heaven and Earth breath is a compilation of themes for harmony, balance, clearing, and receiving and giving back energy.* The breaths you take consist of more than air or oxygen. They include life force, which is omnipresent in all of creation.
Building Sacred Space
It maintains a constant high frequency vibration, which is influenced by intention. It is NOT a DEFENSE, and it is not for keeping anything out or separating you from others or your life experiences. It is a vibratory field which will attract energy of like or higher frequency.