About SRi
“To cheat one’s self out of love is the greatest deception of which there is no reparation in either time or eternity.”
Soren Kierkegaard
Yolanda Zigarmi Martin is the founder of SRi. All content is written by her unless otherwise credited. She has been actively involved with spiritual work/play since birth. SRi is a natural expression of Yolanda’s years of spiritual study and experience, and is joyfully offered here in the belief that in this HERE … in this NOW … we are creating possibilities for wakefulness within each other. Many of her life experiences are chronicled in her book, Gifts – Remembering the Now, offered here as a free download.
As well as an author and teacher, Yolanda is a spiritual resourcer (connecting people with spiritual guidance, studies, and healing techniques), Quantum Healing practitioner and a Certified ReUnion Process facilitator trained by its creator, Peter Scupham. She lives in Sarasota, Florida with two Siamese cats: Oscar, The Wild and Oliver, The OMG.
email: yolandareunion@gmail.com
For ReUnion Process Sessions and/or Resourcing visit:
A word about our logo:
The S represents our true identity as Spirit with the two color DNA strand representing the ‘end process’ of our dual existence. Heaven on Earth happens when we integrate our physical/material self (the darker DNA strand) with our individual/spiritual being (the lighter DNA strand).
The basic tenet of spiritualresources.info is wholeness. Everything springs from the same Source. We think of it as spiritual DNA. It is the basic substance of all life, individually expressed as our unique self. Remembering and activating the highest levels of that spiritual DNA is the gift we offer each other.
Why Donate?
All on the planet are moving toward spiritual union … that is a given. How we choose to move is up to us. Finding information and connecting with people of ‘like awareness’ can help us recognize the order that is forming in what may appear to be a chaotic time for humanity. Spiritualresources.info is not a personal site so much as a resource place, a spiritual meeting place offering comfort in the knowledge that there are hundreds of people having similar feelings and similar experiences. It's not that misery loves company, it’s that spiritual company can dispel the loneliness of perceived misery … allowing us to be aware of the ever present Grace in our lives.
Through donations, SRi will ‘grow’ its self-teaching section, offering graphic explanations of ways to look at the process of transformation. There will be audios to calm those moments of inner panic and visuals to expand the brilliance just waiting to spill out and embrace a world in change.
Because our vision is organic, spiritualresources.info will grow exponentially with your participation in spreading the word to anyone you feel would be interested in our offerings, by sharing your own experiences, gifts and talents, and with your donations.