Breathing Techniques

the Heaven and Earth Breath


The Heaven and Earth breath is a compilation of themes for harmony, balance, clearing, and receiving and giving back energy.* The breaths you take consist of more than air or oxygen. They include life force, which is omnipresent in all of creation. I like to think of the Earth’s life force as containing building blocks for matter and form, and Heaven’s life force as containing the action that animates and activates form. Together they give us the energy of and for life.

You can use the Heaven and Earth Breath anytime at all. Utilizing this breath aligns you with the supportive energies of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and stars. Remember, the particles which make up our bodies are also found in the Earth and heavenly bodies; we share atomic similarities and therefore can receive support from our heavens.

Examples of when to use this breath (other than always/anytime) are when you are feeling:

  • out of step with your life or disoriented

  • irritable

  • a lack of nourishment

  • a need for help with addiction

  • ‘stuck’ and unable to move forward

  • fearful or spiraling into despair

  • an unwanted resonance with someone or something

Imagine a tube about 13/4-2 inches wide at the exact top center of your head, running straight through your body, through the perineum, between your legs and into the ground. (See Figure 1.) Extend the top of the tube up toward the heavens and the bottom of the tube down into the earth at least 2 feet. This tube is referred to in spiritual literature as the tube of light, the pranic tube, the core.


Figure 1 ChakraMan.jpg
  1. Imagine a tube about 13/4-2 inches wide at the exact top center of your head, running straight through your body, through the perineum, between your legs and into the ground. (See Figure 1.) Extend the top of the tube up toward the heavens and the bottom of the tube down into the earth at least 2 feet. This tube is referred to in spiritual literature as the tube of light, the pranic tube, the core.

  2. Take a deep breath and focus on pulling energy down from the heavens into/through the tube; exhale the Heaven energy into your heart.

  3. Take another deep breath and focus on drawing energy up from the earth into/through the tube; exhale the Earth energy into your heart.

  4. Take a third deep breath and focus on pulling down and simultaneously drawing up energies into/through the tube; exhale Heaven and Earth energies into your heart.

  5. Take a series of breaths (5 to 7) using a normal, comfortable rhythm; with each breath, simultaneously pull Heaven energy down and draw Earth energy up into/through the tube; exhale into your heart and then feel the energies being released from your heart into your body.

The Advanced Heaven and Earth Breath can be used for individual aid when you are feeling: 

  • greedy or envious (for money, recognition, things, etc.)

  • powerless, incompetent or vulnerable

  • disconnected from your noble values (justice, non-judgment, integrity, trust in the divine, etc.)

Use it for planetary healing and balancing to amplify gratitude (especially for the planet or the mysterious universe):

  • Before, during and after major global natural disruptions (quakes, severe storms, volcanic eruptions, etc.)

  • Before, during and after human-made disruptions (wars, chemical spills, invasive experimentation, etc.)


  1. Imagine a tube about 13/4-2 inches wide at the exact top center of your head, running straight through your body, through the perineum, between your legs and into the ground. (See Figure 1.) Extend the top of the tube far up into the Cosmos, connecting it to our Milky Way, and the bottom of the tube all the way down into the center core of the Earth.

  2. Take a breath and focus on pulling energy down from our Milky Way while simultaneously drawing up energy from the center core of the Earth; exhale into your heart.

  3. Through your intention, radiate out into the world the combined energies of the Earth-core breath and the Milky Way-breath. As you do this, feel your gratitude and love for the Earth and your appreciation for the mystery and the possibilities contained in our Cosmos.

  4. Repeat this cycle at least three times, if possible. When finished, allow yourself a few moments to notice how your body feels, what you are feeling emotionally and what thoughts come through as you silently take a fresh look at your environment.

*Themes from: Richard Bartlett, Matrix Energetics; Tom Kenyon, The Hathors; Cynthia Bacon; Gold and Silver Shield, et al.