
“Every thought, word, action, or feeling we have changes the dynamics of the whole universe”

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. 

Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth,
The ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: 
That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. 
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. 
A whole stream of events issues from the decision, 
Raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance,
Which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. 
Whatever you can do or dream you can, 
Begin it. 
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. 
Begin it now.“

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


A contemplation

X marks the spot ..... 
In this now moment, where you are fully present, lead with Spirit and take all of you ... body, emotions, mind, heart ... into your next now moment forward.

A consideration

The hardest part of the journey of awakening is the easiest ... letting go.

A paradox

Transformation: It's not just about me ... it's all about me ...

A consideration

The Paradox of Will :

To walk your path of awakening, you must engage your will  ...

To know that you walk the path of awakening, you must surrender your will  ...

A contemplation

Thoughts are roadmaps to a destination ...........

Where are you headed?

A consideration

Transformation is a journey of awareness, not a journey of interpretation.

Interpretation is dependent upon what you already know or believe.

To transform, be open to what you don't consciously know (yet).

A consideration

Hope by its very nature is never false. Any falsity must be attributed to one's expectation as to how hope will fulfill itself.

Lighten up 

Live the rest of this year in joy and gratitude.

Greet 2014 as the bringer of Gifts and Light.

Remember to breathe and .... 

Relax….It’s only a game….

Relax….It’s only a game….


The Divine is Love… we are composed of Divine substance … we are love … 

Love as the Divine is Infinite … we are infinite …

Infinity, by its nature, has no need to repeat itself … we need not compare ourselves to others.

Find delight in the awareness that you are a “one-of-a-kind” expression of the Divine. 

A viewpoint

Commit to your heart's path  -  be fully present in your life (body, mind, emotions)...

If you want to be there  -  take an action  -  GO THERE...

You cannot go and stay at the same time... 

An amusement

Great change requires great patience

Great patience requires great trust

Great trust becomes knowing

Knowing requires patience

Which in turn brings about great change

Which reduces to patience, patience, patience

The requirement for patience is PATIENCE

(If you don't find this amusing, be patient, in time you may see it is quite amusing.)

A viewpoint

Illusion is structure that resists change and/or does not change...

Reality is fluid possibilities...

What is Real?  Anything composed of the Love that you are...